Tuesday, 12 April 2022 19:19

Crispy battered Dulse with Camomille floral dipping sauce

Dulse (Palmaria palmata) is a nutritious red seaweed that contains protein & iron. In this recipe tastes a little like prawn crackers.

Ingredients: wholemeal, spelt or plain flour,  corn flour, black sesame seeds, dulse, sunflower (or other) oil.

1. Forage: Cut the last two thirds of the rich red fronds away from the holdfast (tether) using scissors.

2. Prepare Dulse: Rinse the seaweed & pat it dry.  Weigh out 50 grams of the fresh Dulse & dust it lightly with wholemeal or spelt flour, this enables the batter to better stick to the seaweed. 3. Make the batter: Put x 1 heaped dessert spoon of cornflour, 1 x heaped dessert spoon of wholemeal (or spelt) flour & 1 x heaped dessertspoon of plain flour into a bowl. Add x 2 dessert spoons of black sesame seeds. Mix everything together with a whisk adding about 50 mls of water (sparkling water or beer also works well) to make batter the consistency of double cream.

4. Cook: Heat 300 ml of sunflower oil in a saucepan until it is smoking hot. USE TONGS to dip a bunch of dulse in the batter.* Cover it well. STAND CLEAR AS SEAWEED IN HOT OIL SPLUTTERS. Drop the dulse into the smoking hot oil. Nudge the strands apart to prevent clumping together. It puffs up in the heat & is  ready when the seaweed & batter is crispy & light. *You can also use a deep frying basket submerged in the oil in which to cook the dulse. Remove the battered dulse from the hot oil and drain it of oil on kitchen paper.

5. To serve: Eat it the crispy dulse pipping hot with a floral dipping sauce to compliment the delicacy of the salty savoury seaweed flavour

Foral dipping sauce:Make a strong tea with camomille, violet flowers, May or Elderflower blossom. Put 3 tablespoons of soy in a bowl and add spoons of the tea to taste.